قنوات الدش قواعد بيانات منظمة

خاص لكتابات الأعضاء الكرام يحوي كل كتاباتهم في جميع المجالات
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مشاركات: 4
اشترك في: الثلاثاء نوفمبر 24, 2009 9:38 pm

قنوات الدش قواعد بيانات منظمة

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قنوات الدش قواعد بيانات منظمة

Online TV Player 3.0.951 اون لاين تى فى لمشاهده قنوات العالم اون لاين عن طريق الانترنت

يمكنك من مشاهده اكثر من 1500 محطه تلفزيونيه وكذلك الاستما الى محطات الراديو

Online TV Player lets you watch 850+ free Internet TV and listen 1500+ free online radio stations on your PC. It allows watcher to watch directly into TV without having to experience the annoyances of a Web site (like slow-loading pages and pop-up ads). No additional equipment required No Monthly Fees No Extra Costs. Online TV Player support both Windows Media and Real Video. You can play most of stream formats in one program. It can set the screen window to any size that you want. It supports full-screen mode too.

Some key features of "Online TV Player":
· 850+ free online TV channels from 100 countries.
· 1500+ free online radio stations from 120 countries.
· Thousands of TV Shows Movies Songs Music and MP3s.
· Easy to use. All you have to do is find your love station from our list click on the stations name then enjoy it.
· Multiple formats support (Windows Media & RealVideo) .
· Resizable screen. You set the screen window to any size that you want. It supports full-screen mode too.
· Supports 40+ kinds of skins.
· No additional equipment required

اليكم الرابط


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مشاركات: 84
اشترك في: السبت فبراير 06, 2010 2:48 pm

رد: قنوات الدش قواعد بيانات منظمة

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