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نٌبذ نورانيه عن سيده نساء العالمين بالأنجليزيه

مرسل: الاثنين يونيو 23, 2008 7:43 am
بواسطة مراقب
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الٍلٍهٍمٍ صًل عٍلٍىٍ مٍحٍمٍدٍ وآٍلٍ مٍحٍمٍدٍ وٍعٍجٍلٍ فٍرجٍهمٍ وٍفٍرجٍنٍاٍ بٍهٍم يٍاكٍرٍيمٍ وأهلٍكٍ أٍعٍدائٍهمٍ منٍ الأٍولينٍِ والأٍخرينٍ لاسيٍما صٍنٍمي قٌرٍيشٍ

Fatimah (AS) at home:Fatimah (AS) with all her virtues was a good wife for Imam Ali (AS). It has been narrated that Imame Alias (AS) sadness and grief removed whenever he looked at Fatimah (AS). She never asked him for something that he couldnat afford. It is worthy to find out their matrimonial relation from Imame Alias (AS) words as he named Fatimah (AS) the best woman and proud of her and said:‌ I swear to Allah that I never made her angry and never ordered her to do something she didnat like and she also never made me angry and never disobeyed me.‌

Her father and mother:

As we said her father was Mohammad"bin-Abdullah (PBUH)-the Great Prophet (PBUH)of Islam the last prophet and the best creature. Her mother was Khadijeh-bent-Khuavlid one of the richest women of Ghoraish who spent all her wealth on propagating Islam and did not even have a shroud when she died. She was so famous for her chastity that people called her Tahereh (pure) before Islam. She was the first woman who converted to Islam.

Her sayings:

Fatimah (AS) has left many sayings. Some of them are narrated directly from her which indicate her great knowledge and high position. Some others are narrated by the Prophet (PBUH) which indicates their close relationship and her high understanding and intelligence. We mention two of the directly narrated sayings here briefly:

1-If someone sends his pure prayer up to Allah Allah will send down best welfare to him.

2-Allah has obligated faith to make you clean of polytheism saying prayers to make you clean of haughtiness alms to make your spirits clear and increase your sustenance fasting to maintain your sincerity Hadj to stand your religion justice to strengthen your hearts obeying us for your communitys order and comfort our governing to prevent separation Jihad for Islams splendor patience to help you get eligible for reward calling people to goodness for everybodys welfare being generous to parents to avoid his anger union of kindred to increase the population retaliation to save bloods vowing to be exposed to Allahs forgiveness has made bankruptcy the result of using short weights and has forbidden drinking wine to keep you away from uncleanness Ghazf (false accusation of intercourse) to avoid imprecation and curse and stealing for remaining chaste. Allah has forbidden polytheism so that people be sincere in their obedience to Allah .So "Fear Allah as much as He deserves be pious and dont die other than you are Muslim." Obey Allah in his obligations and prohibited things because" Only aware people fear Allah".


رد: نٌبذ نورانيه عن سيده نساء العالمين بالأنجليزيه

مرسل: الثلاثاء مايو 12, 2009 7:43 pm
بواسطة ايتام علي
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